You are one year old today! I don't know where the past year has gone - it has been a blur. Earlier today I was looking back at some pictures of you from the day you were born, and I can hardly believe you are the same baby I brought home from the hospital. Your personality has blossomed and every day you become more awesome.

When we named you Max, we had no idea that this name would be so fitting. You really are "Max" in every way - size (24.5 lbs!), personality, smiles...we could not possibly love you more if we tried. You make us laugh with your passionate laughs and cries. Once you set your mind to something, the world best watch out. Hmmm...I wonder where you get that from?
You took your first steps on April 20th. Since I had gone to bed and you were up partying with your dad, I missed them. Seems a bit unfair to me since I have been here to do most of the heavy lifting with you, but you made up for it the next day by showing me your new moves. Crawling still seems to be your favourite mode of travel, but I have no doubt that you will be running around within weeks.
Your favourite word is "booby" (this brings a big smile to your face). I am working on weaning you because I am going back to work on May 1st. Also, you have eight teeth little dude (ouch!). You don't think much of being weaned. I don't think much of being bitten. Truth be told, I was ready to call it quits today but your Grandma intervened on your behalf (you can thank her later for that).
In your first year on this planet, you have taken 10 airplane rides and you are quite a good little traveler. You tend to charm everyone around you, which is good because it makes life easier at customs. I have taken you all over this continent because you are a popular little guy. I think family invites me places just because they know that is the only way they get to see you and your toothy grin.
I don't think there is a more loved baby out there than you Max. I can't even remember what life was like before you joined our family. You truly are the apple of my eye and I can't wait to see what this next year brings.