We have had a crazy fall, what with raising a toddler, a family health crisis (which has now resolved itself) and moving Max to a new daycare (that's his 3rd since I went back to work in May). Plus we are preparing to welcome baby #2 into the world in early May. Here is an ultrasound pic from last week. We wanted to find out the sex of the baby, but this kid could not have had her/his knees more firmly shut if he/she wanted to. I am now half way - 20 weeks! What a relief. I feel kind of bad about not blogging more about this, seeing as I commented on every twinge I felt when I was preggo with Max...but, well, I just haven't been up to it. This pregnancy has been much tougher than my first - horrible morning sickness, my skin is breaking out like a teenager, and I have been so tired, I swear even my bones are tired at the end of the day. But it will all be worth it come May, and I know that this is it for me, 2 kids and I'm out!