Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Big Day.

Monday, June 29, 2009
An Evening to Remember.

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Saturday Kid Pics.
Let's see...Cameron is now walking, the weather is starting to get really warm (about time), and I need more coffee. More later, but in the meantime, kids pics! (And no, I do not leave them in their diapers all day).

Friday, June 26, 2009
Max's IBI Therapy.
Max has a full therapy schedule - it ranges from 14 to 18 hours every week, and will be increasing in the near future. The biggest component of his therapy is IBI (Intensive Behaviour Therapy), but he also receives Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Music Therapy, all at blueballoon.
While I have a fairly good understanding of what IBI therapy consists of, I had never actually seen Max in an IBI session until this week. Brian, Max's main Behaviour Therapist, was kind enough to record part of Wednesday's session for me. The sessions typically run for 2 to 2.5 hours, so this is just a snapshot.
This video captures Brian working with Max, using several reinforcers (a stretchy snake, vibrating elephant, and wolf). I am really glad that we have started taping sessions, as I think it will be a good tool to track Max's progress. I only wish we had taped sessions when Max first started working with Brian in January (though I'm guessing it would have been hard to watch them as Max struggled with compliance for the first while).
What blows me away about this video is Brian's intensity level. Can you imagine keeping this up for over 2 hours? Plus, this is Max on a good day. Some days, for whatever reason, he isn't nearly as agreeable as you see him here. But just because Max doesn't feel like working, doesn't mean that he wins the battle, it just means Brian gets to work all that much harder. So, big ups to Brian and the rest of Max's IBI team! I'm looking forward to sharing more video of Max in the future (hopefully by then he'll be able to say "Mommy" when he is shown a picture of me).
While I have a fairly good understanding of what IBI therapy consists of, I had never actually seen Max in an IBI session until this week. Brian, Max's main Behaviour Therapist, was kind enough to record part of Wednesday's session for me. The sessions typically run for 2 to 2.5 hours, so this is just a snapshot.
This video captures Brian working with Max, using several reinforcers (a stretchy snake, vibrating elephant, and wolf). I am really glad that we have started taping sessions, as I think it will be a good tool to track Max's progress. I only wish we had taped sessions when Max first started working with Brian in January (though I'm guessing it would have been hard to watch them as Max struggled with compliance for the first while).
What blows me away about this video is Brian's intensity level. Can you imagine keeping this up for over 2 hours? Plus, this is Max on a good day. Some days, for whatever reason, he isn't nearly as agreeable as you see him here. But just because Max doesn't feel like working, doesn't mean that he wins the battle, it just means Brian gets to work all that much harder. So, big ups to Brian and the rest of Max's IBI team! I'm looking forward to sharing more video of Max in the future (hopefully by then he'll be able to say "Mommy" when he is shown a picture of me).
Blue Balloon,
IBI Therapy,
Tired of Eating Alone.
If you don't have a child with special needs, you can't possibly understand what I live with. I understand that. I know that I often make the people I currently work with uncomfortable when I talk about Max. I think there are maybe four people at my current job who don't wince when I bring Max up. Two of them have kids with Autism, one of them is a single mom, and the other…she has 3 boys and a big heart. I don't get invited out for lunch (ever), or coffee. I suppose I am a drag to be around? Or maybe they think having me around is a downer, because I may talk about my kid with special needs. It's okay, I've accepted it, but I do notice it when they gather on Fridays to go out. Clearly an email has been circulating about the details, one that I was not included on. This is actually something that made my decision to leave a lot easier.
At my new job, it won't be weird when I talk about Max. People won't wince when I talk about the hard stuff, the ugly stuff. They will understand the little wins are actually champagne worthy. They will know what to say, and what not to say, and they won't feel sorry for me, which will be a relief too.
I think that one of the gifts that Max has given me is true empathy for all the people that don't "fit". And I have been thinking lately, that maybe being different, not coming in a perfect package isn't such a bad thing. There are a lot of assholes out there who look normal on the outside but are just hollow shells, with no special gift. Maybe it's okay to not be normal, to be wired a bit differently. Perhaps that is where true beauty lies. The only thing that I ever really worry about for Max is that I desperately want him to know love. I want him to be able to experience true friendship and romance, and to sustain relationships, to not ever be alone. Nothing else really matters, does it?
This life, it can be hard. We are all so different, yet so much the same. One thing I know for sure though, is it is better when you love, and are loved in return.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson, R.I.P.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
So You Think You Can Dance: Live Blog!

- 8:04 PM: FickleFeline 8pm EST - I'm live blogging SYTYCD. I can't dance. I know nothing about dance. But I know a good costume and tight buns when I see them. Come on by and join in on the fun!
- 8:05 PM: FickleFeline Hmmm....wondering if Cat is indeed preggers...that dress is fairly high waisted!
- 8:05 PM: FickleFeline But I'm guessing not....Jennifer? What do you think?
- 8:14 PM: FickleFeline Hip Hop w/Dave Scott...gangsta style
- 8:16 PM: FickleFeline Karla and Jonathon - By My Side...I'm not really feeling it, but maybe I'm just holding Jonathon's whiteness against him?
- 8:17 PM: FickleFeline It just doesn't feel like their hitting it very hard.
- 8:18 PM: FickleFeline I'm with Nigel...no danger
- 8:22 PM: FickleFeline Oooo a Mandy Moore Jazz routine!
- 8:22 PM: FickleFeline that's gonna be good
- 8:23 PM: FickleFeline I wonder if Asuka and Vitolio will bring it? They certainly look good...
- 8:28 PM: FickleFeline boom KAH boom KAH
- 8:30 PM: FickleFeline It feels like she is overthinking it...and stiff! It needs to be tougher!
- 8:34 PM: FickleFeline The judges sort of agree with me...though Nigel liked it.
- 8:44 PM: FickleFeline Melissa and Ade...doing some slow thing...seems low energy. What is UP this week??
- 8:48 PM: FickleFeline Mary is bananas. I clearly don't know what I'm talking about.
- 8:56 PM: FickleFeline Jeanette and Brandon - more hip hop - let's hope they bring it!
- 8:58 PM: FickleFeline They are a lot better than the other hip hop routine
- 8:58 PM: FickleFeline But why does she have to be dressed like a slut?
- 8:58 PM: FickleFeline Brandon has some mad skillz yo
- 9:08 PM: FickleFeline oooo....a waltz with my fav nutty Canadian
- 9:09 PM: FickleFeline Capono is going to have a hard time with this
- 9:10 PM: FickleFeline I love Kayla
- 9:10 PM: FickleFeline I don't love Jewel...though it looks like they styled her to look like Jewel. Unfortunate. Wow, I hate this song.
- 9:13 PM: FickleFeline Also...mint green? Boo.
- 9:14 PM: FickleFeline Yikes. Crazy lady just blew out my ear drum...hot tamale train, really??
- 9:23 PM: FickleFeline Mia Michaels - I just love her. This is going to be good.
- 9:23 PM: FickleFeline Evan and the booty girl...
- 9:24 PM: FickleFeline one of my fav couples
- 9:24 PM: FickleFeline That is a pretty glorious booty....
- 9:25 PM: FickleFeline and, I'm kind of rooting for this couple, them being the shorties of the competition
- 9:25 PM: FickleFeline cheeky...
- 9:25 PM: FickleFeline and there is a butt...
- 9:26 PM: FickleFeline harr....
- 9:26 PM: FickleFeline oh yeah, Randi...that's the booty girls name
- 9:29 PM: FickleFeline I like Mia's glasses...
- 9:29 PM: FickleFeline awh...memories of Twitch. Miss that guy!
- 9:30 PM: FickleFeline Caitlyn and Jason...hot looking outfits!!
- 9:31 PM: FickleFeline I'm still trying to figure out what is going on with Toni's hat...
- 9:32 PM: FickleFeline It looks sort of like a frisbie.
- 9:35 PM: FickleFeline Giddy up - let's go!
- 9:36 PM: FickleFeline I agree...soccer players ARE hot.
- 9:36 PM: FickleFeline Yeah - more Jean Marc!!
- 9:36 PM: FickleFeline Canada represent, yo!!
- 9:38 PM: FickleFeline Carmina Burana...the NFL theme song...
- 9:38 PM: FickleFeline They really aren't instilling a lot of confidence in me. They aren't dancing like they hate each other
- 9:39 PM: FickleFeline It seems very safe, like they aren't sure of the moves.
- 9:39 PM: FickleFeline Definitely bottom 3 for them.
- 9:39 PM: FickleFeline Ouch. That was awful.
- 9:41 PM: FickleFeline Nigel didn't like it, Mary liked it...hmmmm....
- 9:43 PM: FickleFeline Is it just me or are Jason's pecs a bit whacked out?
- 9:44 PM: FickleFeline 1 more couple to go. Last couple is usually strong - here's hoping!
- 9:45 PM: FickleFeline I'm hungry. Must be all of these skinny girls inspiring me to stay on my diet...
- 9:45 PM: FickleFeline That ice cream in the freezer is calling me...saying "Katrina...waltz on over here and dip into the mint chocolate chip"
- 9:47 PM: FickleFeline Phillip and Janeen...
- 9:47 PM: FickleFeline or however you spell her name. She would be an actress...of course.
- 9:48 PM: FickleFeline Broadway...not my favourite. But they have a prop, so that will be interesting.
- 9:49 PM: FickleFeline Tyce's facial hair kind of bugs me...
- 9:49 PM: FickleFeline I'd be nervous if I was her laying on that couch
- 9:49 PM: FickleFeline great glasses!! Super cute.
- 9:50 PM: FickleFeline yeah - he made it!!
- 9:50 PM: FickleFeline But I kind of feel like we just saw the best part?
- 9:50 PM: FickleFeline I love that her bangs aren't moving! I need me some of that hair spray.
- 9:51 PM: FickleFeline Those feathers are EVERYWHERE. Jebus.
- 9:52 PM: FickleFeline lol - his ass IS hanging out of his trousers!
- 9:53 PM: FickleFeline Ouch. Nigel is being a meanie.
- 9:54 PM: FickleFeline I am ready for this show to be over...I can't deal with any more Mary Murphy.
- 9:55 PM: FickleFeline and I have to pee. TMI?
- 9:55 PM: FickleFeline Toni things they did ok...I think this entire week was pretty weak overall.
- 9:56 PM: FickleFeline I wish I could vote...I'd vote for Randi and her booty.
- 9:58 PM: FickleFeline bottom 3 will be...Karla and Jonathan, Caitlin & Jason and Asuka and Vitolio...IMO, but I don't anything, so whatever...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sick Baby.

Monday, June 22, 2009
I Am a Terrible Passenger.

So there you have it. As of July 1st, Scott will no longer have to deal with my irritating-back-seat-driving-ways, and I will no longer spend over 2 hours a day with my heart in my throat. Win-win, no?
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day: Photo Essay.
Father's Day started out early with waffles and bacon for breakfast for Max and his Grandad. Max also had an apple, blue berries, 2 Nutrigrain bars, 2 pieces of peanut butter toast and milk. The kid can eat, that's for sure. If you're wondering where Scott is, he was still asleep at this point (sleeping in was part of his Father's Day present).
Cameron got caught feeding herself a bottle (I'm laughing at her because she has always pretended that she didn't know how, but her daycare teachers told me otherwise).
We were heading out to Nana and Bumpa's for dinner, and as usual, taking a long time to get ourselves together. Max was ready to rock and roll, but did a pretty good job of keeping his cool.
Once we got to Nana and Bumpa's, Max got his exercise by doing laps around the backyard. Man that kid can run.
Scott was on Max-watching duty. He somehow managed to also look very relaxed and handsome while doing it. Ladies, it's hard to find handy and handsome - Scott can't hammer a nail to save his soul, but he sure looks good.
I got Cameron in her bathing suit, thinking we'd get her in the pool for a dip. Max hates the pool (something we are hoping to work on this summer), but I had high hopes for Cameron.
Nana put Cameron in her floaty tub and got her used to the pool (which felt like bath water) by pushing her around for a bit and singing to her.
Cameron looks a little skeptical about the whole thing. Little does she know she is going to get in that water, whether she likes it or not!
Grandad got in to cheer Cameron on, blowing bubbles and being the big kid that he is. She seemed to get a kick out of it. I think he was just looking for a reason to get back in the pool!
Bumpa also got in, but we didn't catch him on film. He did have a great afternoon though and enjoyed having everyone over on such a beautiful day.
Grandma was the photographer today, so we didn't get nearly enough pictures of her, but here is one of her and the Fickle Feline herself. All we are missing is Cameron for a 3 generation shot!
Scott cooked up steaks for dinner. He can be seen here consulting with Bumpa about...who knows what? He takes his steak prep very seriously.
Bumpa, Scott, and Grandad enjoying some "beverages" and catching some rays while the steaks are grilling.
While Scott was hard at work, I made a salad. That plate of veggies is for Max, who has turned into a veggie lover.
Cameron helped me get the salad dressing out of the refrigerator. I think she was also looking for her bottle, which was nowhere to be found (much to her chagrin).

Your Tape, it Lulled Me to Sleep.

Headphones (Björk):
genius to fall
asleep to your tape
last night
sounds go through the muscles
these abstract
wordless movements
they start off cells
that haven't been
these cells are virgins
my headphones
they saved my life
your tape
it lulled me to sleep
nothing will be the same
i'm fast asleep
i like this resonance
it elevates me
i don't recognize myself
this is very interesting
my headphones
they saved my life
your tape
it lulled me to sleep
i'm fast asleep now
i'm fast asleep
my headphones
they saved my life
your tape
it lulled me to sleep
Friday, June 19, 2009
I Just Quit My Job.

The next two years are crucial for Max and his long term development. The key years for rewiring a child's brain are between the ages of 2 and 5. We have a limited window in which to jump a lot of hurdles, and I want to be there for it. I want to have the energy to help him over those hurdles and to cheer him on. I want to have enough time in my day that Cameron gets her fair share of me, and that she doesn't end up feeling like Max is the centre of the universe (because she is under the impression that the sun shines out of her bum, and I'd hate to dissuade her of this notion). I want to be there for Scott when he needs to talk, instead of nodding off, or not paying attention, and also have energy for a little romance. And I want to make sure that there is some time for me in there too, because if I'm not whole, everybody loses.
So, I have found a new position that I will start in July. I'm not going to divulge any details about it just yet, because things are still getting figured out. But I know it is a good fit, if not a perfect fit. It will really allow me to be an active part of Max's therapy. I will be able to work from home a lot. I won't be sitting at a desk. I will be able to be very creative, and make a big difference. I'll get to work at a bunch of different sites, and I'll wear many hats. I can't remember being this excited about work. This is the beginning of a new chapter, and I have Max to thank for showing me the path I was meant to take.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Operation Suck It Up.

Last week, Max's Speech Therapist, Kim Pace, emailed the following message:
Hi Team Max! I am writing to let you know that over the course of the next 3 weeks, I have set the following goals for Max:
1. Move him off drinking from the sippy cup .... this is going to be a challenge, but is very important because sippy cups reinforce a tongue thrust/suckling type of swallow that we really need Max to move away from in order to move his oral motor skills for speech forward! I would like to see him drinking with a straw (a specific one of course....). That said, he was not happy about this little idea of mine today! He has significant oral sensitivity and we will need to address this first. No need to do anything directly with Max yet - just want you all to get ready and I will target next session and send out the next steps to everyone! You can, however, model by drinking from straws around him!
2. Establish some use of his lips so he'll produce more lip sounds. Right now, most of his sounds are made with his tongue. The only lip sound he has is "w". He approximates a /m/ but if you watch closely, it's not a strong /m/ - more like a nasal sound with his lips open slightly! Pretty tricky really! What can you do - Rob - heavy on the p/b/m sounds and words within music if you can. Model and practice Indian calls (i.e. tapping your mouth while you vocalize).
3. Eating - and chewing - yes, we'll be going there as well .... Katrina - can you email me Max's favourite foods that he eats with a spoon so I can plan for next session? Right now, he really avoids use of those lips while eating and chewing ....
I think that's it for now! Looking forward to a quick improvement in these skills - once he can use his lips better, it will add 3 more sounds to his repertoire which will really help us understand those words he's saying even more! Today, by the way - he sang "Old MacDonald" for me! It was great!
Take care and have a great week!
I would have never noticed that he doesn't use his lips, that this is why we aren't hearing certain consonants. Now that I am observing him more closely I can see what Kim means when she says he doesn't really use his lips. I've never had any luck getting Max to use a straw, so I was intrigued as to how Kim planned to transition Max from his beloved sippy cup to a straw.
The first step will be modeling using a straw. We bought a big box of straws and we are going to start using them in front of Max. Milk, water, beer, chardonnay, you name it, we're drinking it through a straw. Note to self - drink slowly!
We have also poked a really big hole in the sippy cup spout, so that Max will have to use his lips to control the flow. I got a dirty look from him this morning when he took his first slurp as if to say "hey….wait a second…something is DIFFERENT". He put it cup down, but did return later for some more milk.
The next step will be to put a straw in his cup, but cut it so that it only reaches the top of the spout, and doesn't poke out. After he is used to that, we will slowly make the straw longer and longer until it is sticking out of the spout and he has no choice but to suck on the straw.
Sounds so simple when I write about it…let's hope putting into play will be equally easy.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A Bunch of Random Thoughts.

My college reunion is in 2 weeks. 2 weeks! Holy sh!t!! I am excited, and nervous, and really looking forward to being kid free for a weekend (is that bad?).
So You Think You Can Dance is the best show on television. If I knew anything about dance I'd blog about it, but I don't, so I'll just appreciate it from afar.
I turned Cameron's baby monitor off last night, because she has been waking up at 3am and I want her to sleep through the night. Worked like magic...she may have woken up, but I slept through it and by all appearances, she wasn't scarred. I mean, she was still speaking to me in the morning, and I got a a whole 6 hours of sleep!
Scott went to NYC for the weekend, and Cam was sick (Murphy's Law, right?). Scott made up for it by bringing me Grey Goose and ck Euphoria from duty free. Big points, eh? I may be easy, but I'm not cheap!
Max is now singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Music Therapy will heal the world.
Work is kicking my ass. Commuting is kicking my ass. I keep buying lottery tickets but I haven't won the millions yet. Go figure.
My blogspot url seems to have stopped working. If I had any extra energy I'd figure it out, but I don't, so I won't. So, you know, if you like the site, make sure to bookmark www.ficklefeline.ca !
Jon from Jon and Kate Plus Eight needs to grow a pair. He's as bad as she is, in his own apathetic, whipped way.
The new Mos Def recording is really good. You should check it out.
I need to go to bed...tomorrow is a full day of therapy for Max, appointments and other good stuff. More on that later.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Jon & Kate Plus 8: Live Blog!

- 8:28 PM: FickleFeline 32 minutes and counting. Max is still up...we haven't had dinner yet. Kate would not be impressed.
- 8:29 PM: FickleFeline
- 8:29 PM: FickleFeline This one's for you Chris!
- 8:30 PM: FickleFeline
- 8:31 PM: FickleFeline We should start a "Save Hannah" campaign. She is too good for her family.
- 8:33 PM: FickleFeline
- 8:33 PM: FickleFeline lmao....
- 8:58 PM: FickleFeline Holy crap...American Chopper cross promo? TLC! You guys are assholes!
- 8:59 PM: FickleFeline Jon gets a bike so he can escape from the madhouse!
- 9:00 PM: FickleFeline Oh boy
- 9:00 PM: FickleFeline American Chopper on Jon & Kate...didn't we just do this on American Chopper?
- 9:01 PM: FickleFeline All I want to see is the little kids play...
- 9:01 PM: FickleFeline TLC you are about to lose my business.
- 9:01 PM: FickleFeline There is Jon, all my his lonesome. There is Kate, stretching out on the couch.
- 9:02 PM: FickleFeline Jon wearing a muscle shirt. Love it.
- 9:02 PM: FickleFeline I think Kate's water bottle is full of vodka.
- 9:04 PM: FickleFeline I think Jon is slipping these guys "save me" messages.
- 9:06 PM: FickleFeline I am really strugging here...this show really sucks now.
- 9:06 PM: FickleFeline Kate is a wench. Jon is miserable, the kids are background noise.
- 9:09 PM: FickleFeline omg - the kids get a moment in the spotlight
- 9:09 PM: FickleFeline and the dogs...call the spca!
- 9:10 PM: FickleFeline Big hairy dude is playing with the kids with glitter.
- 9:11 PM: FickleFeline omg...the dogs...eating food...that is on the floor. Shoot - isn't that what dogs do? I'm with Jon.
- 9:13 PM: FickleFeline Lowes commercial...
- 9:13 PM: FickleFeline not much different than the entire show...one long big commericial...sigh TLC you are killing me!
- 9:15 PM: FickleFeline The dude from Big Lebowski is narrating the Coleman commercial...
- 9:16 PM: FickleFeline omg...the duggers...uber breeders extraordinaire
- 9:16 PM: FickleFeline Jon is at the shop...happy to be away from his family.
- 9:17 PM: FickleFeline Jon is getting yelled at again
- 9:17 PM: FickleFeline he's used to it...
- 9:17 PM: FickleFeline Jon looks like he is in grade 8 shop class.
- 9:18 PM: FickleFeline The guys continue to abuse Jon...he doesn't even notice, he's so used to being beaten down.
- 9:18 PM: FickleFeline lmao - "I haven't had time to do something I enjoyed"
- 9:20 PM: FickleFeline Kate takes the hairy dude to the spa...this is really stretching it.
- 9:20 PM: FickleFeline The preview of next week...looks...I don't know...they are all getting their own play houses...maybe Hannah can move out.
- 9:20 PM: FickleFeline Cake Boss! Rulz0rs!
- 9:22 PM: FickleFeline lol...tlc families big and small...TLC likes their dwarves for sure
- 9:23 PM: FickleFeline Kate is bitter she didn't get a bike...
- 9:23 PM: FickleFeline or maybe she does
- 9:23 PM: FickleFeline a pink bike...lame
- 9:23 PM: FickleFeline Kate "squeak squeak squeak ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WOW!!!"
- 9:26 PM: FickleFeline Kate digs the hairy dude
- 9:26 PM: FickleFeline I think she is going to get him a Kate haircut
- 9:26 PM: FickleFeline the helmet...washed, combed, curled, shelacked
- 9:28 PM: FickleFeline Kate seriously has the hots for hairy guy...oh, his name is Mikey. Poor Mikey. He is a good sport.
- 9:29 PM: FickleFeline Awh, requisite charity spot...see we aren't completely self-absorbed assholes all the time
- 9:29 PM: FickleFeline Kate is giving her pink scooter to charity. Jon is keeping his bike.
- 9:30 PM: FickleFeline Jon is happy to have made some friends. Now he has someone to drink with, besides, you know, those college girls
- 9:30 PM: FickleFeline And we're out...rerun...back to the days of happy happy Jon and Kate before they moved.
- 9:30 PM: FickleFeline Good night!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Dreams Do Come True.
My wonderful friend Jennifer M. gave birth to a beautiful little boy a few hours ago. Welcome to the world Maddox Bradley M. (a healthy 7 lbs even and 20 inches long). Congratulations Jen and Brad - you make beautiful babies. And most of all, thank you for sharing this incredible experience with me. It was pure magic, something I will never forget. Jen made it look easy, Brad did a pretty good job of keeping his cool, and Aunty Laura shed some tears (I did too). Blessed is the world when a new soul enters it, and today the world is blessed indeed.

Saturday, June 13, 2009
It is More Important to Look Good...
...than to feel good, and Cameron is living proof of this. Poor kiddo has been under the weather this past week, and has been feeling like ten pounds of poop in a five pound bag the past few days. Perfect timing of course, with her dad away in New York. Anyway, she still looks fierce. Tyra would be proud.

Max's Music Therapy.
Max is now singing four songs: "Roll over", "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Old MacDonald's Farm", and "Tidy Up". I think he was also singing the chorus to Talib Kweli's "I Try" today in the car...needless to say, we are blown away with his progress. Here is a video I shot of Max and another little boy named Michael in their music therapy session last week. It's fairly long as I wanted to give a good overview of what they accomplish in an hour long session.
Friday, June 12, 2009
What's Your Signature Scent?

I mean, I think I smell okay? Scott has no complaints anyway. My kids don't shy away from me. People don't move back when I walk past them. My big pet peeve about scent is people who douse themselves with perfume. There is one person I know who likes to give herself a squirt of Chanel No. 5 every time she has a smoke (and she smokes a lot). By the end of the work day, she reeks to high heaven, and lord help you if you get stuck in an elevator with her!
When I do wear perfume (and I only wear a tiny bit), I like Angel by Thierry Mugler, Stila Creme Bouquet, and Sun Moon Stars by Karl Lagerfeld.
Angel - "an essences of honey, chocolate, and caramel and is blended with notes of vanilla, patchouli, and sandalwood".
Stila Creme Bouquet - "a sweet, sophisticated and feminine blend of warm vanilla and delicate florals".
Sun Moon Stars - "a refreshing, oriental, floral fragrance, a feminine perfume scent possessing a blend of fruit, care oriental florals, orange blossom, amber and beauty musk.
First off, who comes up with this marketing copy? And how do they write it with a straight face? Second, it seems to me I definitely like one type of smell - a warm, natural, vanilla, floral type scent. I wonder what that says about me?
What is your signature scent? What does it say about you?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Do Not Be Deceived.

Since we all know that kids don't just bite for no reason, I went to the next level. Perhaps she is biting because she is teething? Under the weather? Has a wicked bad diaper rash? Maybe...or maybe this little boy is just especially tasty. Maybe he tastes like barbecue sauce, or rice krispie squares. Maybe he is just the right amount of pudgy and muscle tone to feel really good on her gums as she chomps down on him. I hope word doesn't get out that he is super yummy with the other babies, or there will be nothing left of him. Cameron is home today with pink eye (yeah, great, I know) so the little boy got a day long reprieve from "Fang". Today she is "Princess Goopy Eye". Hopefully I won't be "Queen Goopy Eye" tomorrow.
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