10. Before we left for Ithaca on Friday, he declared "it's my day off, I'm having a beer!" So I did too (well, I don't drink beer, so I had a Mike's lemonade). It was only 12:30pm, but
that's okay, because it was our
day off.
9. At the border, the US customs official asked us "Citizenship?" to which Scott replied
"Yes". I believe the correct response was
"Canadian", but since we are just about the whitest folks on the planet, and we drive a friggin' Camry, they rarely even look at our passports, let alone give us a hard time for not answering their questions correctly.
8. When we arrived in Ithaca, he brought in all of our bags from the car, and then got us both some beers out of the fridge and started tossing Cleo's (1 of 3 Boston terriers) slimy squeak toy across the room. Then he laughed when he saw that Cleo had managed to get her gooey saliva all over his jeans.
7. Since our favourite restaurant in Ithaca was full and we had to wait, and there were only 3 spaces available at the bar, he stood outside with my brother and my sister's boyfriend and made puppy dog eyes at me through the window while I sat at the bar enjoying what they call the "big red flight" with the ladies. I felt kind of bad for him, for like a minute.
6. At the same restaurant (a tapas restaurant - which means you
share appetizer size portions with everyone) he happily ordered a large order of his favourite chicken wings knowing that 3 of the 6 people at the table are vegetarians and the remaining 2 of 6 cannot eat spicy food. Leaving him and the chicken wings and no competition. Nice.
5. He went to Target with me on Saturday and did not rush me. I spent 2 hours in Target, and he did not complain once. Not even when I returned three times to the women's clothing section, convinced that I had not possibly seen everything they might have to offer.
4. He bought himself three t-shirts at Target, each one with a juvenile saying ("Chick Dig Me", "Don't Hate the Player Hate the Game", and "World Poker Tour Champion"). We later agreed that this may have something to do with a symbolic teeth kissing at turning 30 on that very day.
3. He spent his 30th birthday celebrating his first Passover (a helluva a party really - 19 drunk people singing and eating and drinking...) but likely not his first choice for his 30th birthday. Pics to come later.
2. On the way home today, as we drove past an overhanging Burger King sign on the interstate, he yelled out at the same time as me "Cheeseburger, Fries and a large Coke!!!". This is an inside joke between us (we think that these signs look like drivethrough order windows and you have to yell really loud and fast so they can hear your order). Yes, completely juvenile. We repeated this at the next sign, 30km later.
1. Tonight, when we went grocery shopping for this week's groceries he dropped me off out in front of the grocery store so I wouldn't get rained on.