- 8:37 PM: Fickle Feline Feel free to join in and add your own snark. J & K haters and lovers welcome!
- 8:39 PM: Fickle Feline Hey everyone, I'm going to be live blogging Jon & Kate Plus 8 tonight...assuming my own little beasts decide to stay asleep...here's hoping!
- 8:40 PM: Fickle Feline omg - this rerun of last week's show is killing me. Jon is the king of subtle digs...he REALLY doesn't like Kate.
- 8:44 PM: Fickle Feline How was peanut butter birthday cake a good idea? Did Kate get all the parents to sign waivers before the party that if your kid keels over from an allergic reaction, tough luck?? And don't you dare take the camera off my kids for wee Johnny who is turning blue on the ground...
- 8:45 PM: Fickle Feline I bet Jon was wishing there was a piƱata in Kate's likeness...and vice versa I'm sure!
- 8:48 PM: Fickle Feline Awh...they were pretty cute as babies...even I gotta give 'em that!
- 8:50 PM: Fickle Feline I think Kate's hair has become more helmet-esque each season. Pretty soon she'll just be getting it done and shelacking it.
- 8:52 PM: Fickle Feline I was thinking that I should start a Jon & Kate drinking game...every time Jon makes a passive-aggressive remark, you take a drink. Every time Kate makes an aggressive-aggressive remark you take a drink. Wait...we'll all be completely hosed by the 1st commercial...suggestions for a more moderate version of this game??
- 8:54 PM: Fickle Feline That Cake Boss show looks pretty good...
- 8:54 PM: Fickle Feline Jon looks completely fried...and REALLY tan.
- 8:54 PM: Fickle Feline Kate is really really really into her kids. She does everything for her kids...
- 8:55 PM: Fickle Feline And Jon loves his kids too...
- 8:55 PM: Fickle Feline And they both do everything for their kids....
- 8:56 PM: Fickle Feline But it is clear that Jon doesn't give a rat's ass about Kate.
- 8:56 PM: Fickle Feline And Kate wouldn't piss on Jon if he was on fire!
- 8:56 PM: Fickle Feline Oh the tears...Kate! That's not playing fair...and your mascara might run!
- 8:58 PM: Fickle Feline I wonder what the divorce rate statistics are for parents of multiples who have a tv show?
- 9:00 PM: Fickle Feline Oh...here we go - giddyup
- 9:00 PM: Fickle Feline Jon goes snowboarding with his "friends"...
- 9:00 PM: Fickle Feline Can't wait to meet them!
- 9:01 PM: Fickle Feline Kate: "my kids my kids my kids my kids...my kids my kids..."
- 9:01 PM: Fickle Feline Look at all the people who want her autograph...I can't imagine wanting her autograph
- 9:02 PM: Fickle Feline I love that she acts like she cares, but she isn't even looking at her fans...
- 9:02 PM: Fickle Feline I just figured out why Jon has that funky tan - that's a snowboarding tan from his goggles! Makes so much more sense now!
- 9:03 PM: Fickle Feline Jon - passive aggressive remark #3a: "We're not moms. Nor do we try to be"
- 9:04 PM: Fickle Feline Hey - if you're watching, jump in...you KNOW you have something to say about this...
- 9:05 PM: Fickle Feline I love that Kate's hair is "perfect" when she wakes up in the morning...see, the shelack is working!
- 9:05 PM: Fickle Feline Do you think she runs lines with them every night before bed??
- 9:05 PM: Fickle Feline And sponsored by Ragu?? Is Ragu organic??
- 9:06 PM: Fickle Feline I thought they lived on 100% organic food for $200 a week...
- 9:07 PM: Fickle Feline I have yet to figure out how the hell they manage that...$200 per week...10 mouths...that's $20 per person...per week. Ummm....I can maybe see $20 per person per day!
- 9:08 PM: Fickle Feline I gotta scrape the whole bunny down...I seriously have to watch Cake Boss.
- 9:08 PM: Fickle Feline Awh, now it's Kate's birthday...and Jon was away? What a jerk!!
- 9:09 PM: Fickle Feline She has to make her own bday cake? How unfair. I am sure some bakery would have given her a cake.
- 9:09 PM: Fickle Feline "It just happened to fall on Kate's birthday"...right Jon
- 9:10 PM: Fickle Feline I'm sure that broke his heart...missing her birthday to go snowboarding on his own for 5 days. He looks super interested in this whole disabled athletes bit.
- 9:10 PM: Fickle Feline He's just happy there is only one kid to work with and not 8.
- 9:11 PM: Fickle Feline Back to Kate, doing a "whole lot of nothing". Cue music...and the bus! Surprise!
- 9:11 PM: Fickle Feline "oh my. There IS a bus!"
- 9:12 PM: Fickle Feline Kate is not a very good actress...
- 9:12 PM: Fickle Feline As IF she didn't know exactly what was going to happen. Gimme a break.
- 9:13 PM: Fickle Feline And back to Jon on the mountain with the disabled kids. Is this supposed to make us like him more?
- 9:15 PM: Fickle Feline I would kill for 5 days by myself...no offense meant to my husband, kids, etc...
- 9:16 PM: Fickle Feline TLC really likes little people, eh?
- 9:16 PM: Fickle Feline and we're back...
- 9:17 PM: Fickle Feline I wonder if Jon and Tracy went for drinks after their day on the slopes?
- 9:17 PM: Fickle Feline So, Kate obviously got a chance to change her clothes, because she looks pretty glammed up for cake making.
- 9:18 PM: Fickle Feline More cake!!!
- 9:18 PM: Fickle Feline This season of J&K+8 is sponsored by CAKE
- 9:19 PM: Fickle Feline I love how Kate's voice goes all high when she is fake-excited.
- 9:19 PM: Fickle Feline I wonder if those cakes taste any good?
- 9:20 PM: Fickle Feline As if Kate cares about what kind of mess her kids make when they aren't at home. What.ever.
- 9:21 PM: Fickle Feline Duff meet Kate..."reality" tv heaven!!
- 9:21 PM: Fickle Feline giant blue mountain of goodness
- 9:22 PM: Fickle Feline is it just me, or is Maddie...really gd annoying?
- 9:22 PM: Fickle Feline And there's Jon on the black diamonds...
- 9:22 PM: Fickle Feline I wonder if we'll get one frame of Jon & Kate together on this show...anyone willing to bet on it?
- 9:23 PM: Fickle Feline Wow...Honda ad overlaid on top of the kids going down a slide.
- 9:23 PM: Fickle Feline These kids are being used I tell ya!!
- 9:24 PM: Fickle Feline Though, I'd probably watermark all my kid pics for the next 10 years with a Honda logo for a new CR-V.
- 9:24 PM: Fickle Feline Heck, I'd probably give my kids a second middle name of Honda
- 9:24 PM: Kath Can I ask why Kate's face looks so f'd up? Is it just me?
- 9:24 PM: Fickle Feline She is downright ORANGE!
- 9:25 PM: Fickle Feline She has more makeup on her mug than those cakes have icing.
- 9:25 PM: Kath Her hair is driving me insane too. Am I being too brutal?
- 9:26 PM: Fickle Feline @Kath, it's a friggin' helmet...
- 9:26 PM: Fickle Feline holy shit - a frame with them together!!
- 9:26 PM: Kath I can't believe they're cross-promoting TLC shows now. Sad.
- 9:26 PM: Fickle Feline Well, they gotta pay the bills.... (wink)
- 9:27 PM: Kath Kat, that's b/c the whole "split up" fiasco happened after these episodes were taped.
- 9:27 PM: Fickle Feline I think they are officially split up, and so technically whatever Jon did wasn't cheating, but Kate is super pissed that he got caught and ruined the fairytale.
- 9:27 PM: Kath Publicity stunt galore. It worked - 10M viewers last week! And despite my skepticism, I'm watching too, lol.
- 9:28 PM: Fickle Feline It's like a trainwreck...I just can't look away.
- 9:29 PM: Kath I know, me too. I wonder if they'll do the "thing" at the end, with Jon and Kate and their supposed dislike for one another.
- 9:29 PM: Fickle Feline Gawd I hope so.
- 9:29 PM: Fickle Feline Cut to screaming kids hopped up on sugar.
- 9:29 PM: Fickle Feline Do those kids come with a mute button?
- 9:29 PM: Kath Better be. We just lost an hour of our lives!
- 9:30 PM: Kath Half an hour?
- 9:30 PM: Fickle Feline Oh snap...
- 9:30 PM: Fickle Feline really TLC?
- 9:30 PM: Fickle Feline What a rip...
- 9:30 PM: Kath Man, oh man. Oh wait - there's more!
- 9:30 PM: Fickle Feline Oh man - Maddie is wedged in between them...cannot. touch. Kate....
- 9:31 PM: Fickle Feline Second Half, let's GOoooooooooooooo!
- 9:31 PM: Fickle Feline Oh man, Kate took Maddie??
- 9:31 PM: Kath Not a fan of Maddy, BTW.
- 9:31 PM: Fickle Feline She is a brat.
- 9:32 PM: Fickle Feline And not as cute as her twin sister...
- 9:32 PM: Kath Totally. A mini-version of Kate.
- 9:32 PM: Fickle Feline Yes! Check out how her arms are always crossed!
- 9:33 PM: Fickle Feline Jon: "Kate's in California" (what he really means: thank god...I can't stand her)
- 9:33 PM: Fickle Feline Listen to Jon justify we never see him and Kate together..."we're really busy"...uh yeah
- 9:33 PM: Kath I love the subtitles, lol!
- 9:34 PM: Fickle Feline Hah! Do we really need those at this point?
- 9:34 PM: Fickle Feline Well, maybe for Aaden.
- 9:34 PM: Fickle Feline Missing one kid is easier...means...not having Maddie around is a JOY
- 9:35 PM: Kath Is it just me, or are the kids a bit boring this season?
- 9:35 PM: Fickle Feline They are boring because they have too much space...they aren't on top of eachother anymore driving eachother bonkers
- 9:35 PM: Fickle Feline Electric cars, jebus...spoiled!!
- 9:35 PM: Fickle Feline those poor dogs.
- 9:36 PM: Kath Yes, you're right. The chaos is missing, which was key to the show. Oh god, listen to me.
- 9:36 PM: Kath I feel so sorry for Cara.
- 9:37 PM: Fickle Feline Yeah
- 9:37 PM: Fickle Feline she is kind of stuck with all those monsters...
- 9:38 PM: Kath Okay,Kat - hubby is changing the channel b/c he can't stand it anymore. I'm outta here. Have fun with the rest of this blog, and letting me bust in!
- 9:38 PM: Fickle Feline Scott has left the building...
- 9:38 PM: Fickle Feline He can't handle it...lol.
- 9:39 PM: Fickle Feline I think Hannah needs to be rescued. She is my favourite. Little mama.
- 9:39 PM: Fickle Feline "we allowed you guys to film for 1 full day"
- 9:39 PM: Fickle Feline nice
- 9:40 PM: Fickle Feline What is with Jon taking the kids on these massive hikes?
- 9:40 PM: Fickle Feline They are going to traumatize the wildlife.
- 9:40 PM: Fickle Feline But I do love when they all get sticks and beat eachother...that's the good stuff.
- 9:41 PM: Fickle Feline Kid #1 screaming...Alexis...shocker.
- 9:41 PM: Fickle Feline Oh man...bit through her lip...that's no good.
- 9:42 PM: Fickle Feline She looks okay...
- 9:42 PM: Fickle Feline She's probably just psyched to get to be alone for once.
- 9:42 PM: Fickle Feline Can you imagine living with 9 other people?
- 9:42 PM: Fickle Feline There's Maddie again...damn that kid is annoying. She DOES take after her mom....
- 9:44 PM: Fickle Feline 17 minutes to go...will Jon & Kate reconcile? Any takers?
- 9:44 PM: Fickle Feline I'm thinking no....probably not.
- 9:45 PM: Fickle Feline Will we meet Jon's girlfriend or see his bachelor pad?
- 9:45 PM: Fickle Feline Or maybe they've renovated the barn for him?
- 9:45 PM: Fickle Feline Kate seems to be wearing that purple shirt a lot.
- 9:46 PM: Fickle Feline Also, is she orange on your tv? Is it her or do I need to adjust my colour settings??
- 9:47 PM: Fickle Feline Jon gives Alexis a coffee in place of a popcicle...
- 9:47 PM: Fickle Feline typical dad...
- 9:47 PM: Fickle Feline These subtitles are overkill.
- 9:48 PM: Fickle Feline Kids are bitching about Alexis's coffee...can't wait to hear what they think about Maddie getting to go away with Kate. But maybe they are just happy to get a break from the tyrants.
- 9:48 PM: Fickle Feline Kate...bitching about how 8 year olds eat. Gimme a break...she's 8!
- 9:49 PM: Fickle Feline Looks like Jon has about 20 guys helping him with the swing set. For all the complaining he does about setting it up, it seems a bit ... uh... "fake" ??? lmao.
- 9:49 PM: Fickle Feline Glad they got some token shots of him with a hammer though.
- 9:50 PM: Fickle Feline Kate and Maddie go to buy the other kids some plastic crap
- 9:50 PM: Fickle Feline I bet she is like the president...she doesn't even travel with a wallet or money...no need, everyone just gives her stuff....
- 9:51 PM: Fickle Feline Maddie really is mini Kate "you didn't tell me this!!" Mini-kate: "me neither!"
- 9:51 PM: Fickle Feline I want to strangle them both...
- 9:52 PM: Fickle Feline Hmmm...these wii commercials are making me feel very lazy.
- 9:52 PM: Fickle Feline Sun Chips - are they organic??
- 9:52 PM: Fickle Feline Sarah Snow would NOT approve. First Ragu, now Sun Chips. Le sigh. How the mighty have fallen.
- 9:53 PM: Fickle Feline Graduates crunchy snacks...organic? They look like fake food to me...or cheesies for babies.
- 9:53 PM: Fickle Feline I mean, not that, uh, I have never given my baby cheesies.
- 9:54 PM: Fickle Feline 2nd baby gets everything older kid gets, you just cut it up really small. That's what everyone does, right?
- 9:54 PM: Fickle Feline 6 minutes to go and no sighting of Jon's girlfriend...
- 9:55 PM: Fickle Feline And where is this body guard we have heard so much about?
- 9:55 PM: Fickle Feline There is Jon putting up the swing set "alone" again.
- 9:55 PM: Fickle Feline Love it...Aiden broke the toilet.
- 9:56 PM: Fickle Feline Boys will be boys...
- 9:56 PM: Fickle Feline I think Scott broke our toilet lid the same way! Except he isn't 5 years old...
- 9:56 PM: Fickle Feline so what's his excuse?
- 9:57 PM: Fickle Feline Kate: "I can't believe she's 8 and a half, almost 9". (She really means "I can't believe I have to live with this kid for another 9 years")
- 9:58 PM: Fickle Feline Play set is up! Good job Jon (and your crew of 20). Kids are happy.
- 9:58 PM: Fickle Feline Those poor dogs...sliding on their hyneys...
- 9:58 PM: Fickle Feline Someone needs to rescue those dogs.
- 9:59 PM: Fickle Feline Anyone notice that this show is somewhat lacking in content? They have somehow managed to make a show of Kate and Maddie doing sweet-f-a in Cali, and Jon putting up a swing set.
- 10:00 PM: Fickle Feline Is your love cup filled? That's right up there with your passion bucket is overflowing...
- 10:00 PM: Fickle Feline and we are done. And I feel somewhat empty.
- 10:00 PM: Fickle Feline Like I just had a diet coke, when what I really wanted was a glass of wine.
- 10:01 PM: Fickle Feline Oh well. Good night folks - let's try this again next week :-)
Monday, June 01, 2009
Jon & Kate Plus 8: Live Blog!
Last week's post about the Jon & Kate Plus 8 Season Premiere was so popular, I thought that I should try live blogging it this week. Scott suggested I try the Scribblelive App, so I'm going to test it out this week. No promises if this post goes sideways...
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