We have continued on the journey of solid foods. Added to the repertoire were apricots, prunes & pears, peaches, plums, chicken (stinky!), peas and bananas. You looked at me like I was trying to poison you when I gave you both peas and bananas. I haven't revisited the bananas, but I trick you with the peas by mixing them with carrots. One of your favourite things to do is buzz your lips like a motorboat during mealtime...this makes things very messy - you find this to be hilarious. You seem to really like your fruit, which is awesome. I'll keep working on the vegetables. You also tried a cheerio when your BGF Maya handed you one last week. You weren't too sure what to think about it, but you did keep it in your mouth and I think it eventually dissolved. I suspect you didn't like it, but you were too proud to spit it out in front of Maya and I don't blame you as she's pretty cute.

You are making great strides with the crawling, though you are still working on moving forward. I am pretty sure you will have it mastered by Christmas. You can hold a plank position for over a minute (my pilates instructor would be proud). Once you figure out how to move your arms without falling on your head, there will be no stopping you. I think you get a bit frustrated when you see Maya motoring around. She'll be coming to hang out with us every day starting in January, so I hope you have it all sorted out by then or she will leave you in her dust.

On Friday you did something you had never done before. When I came to pick you up, you reached out for me, and then my heart melted. I immediately called your dad and told him. Being a mom can be hard work and it is these little things that keep me going when I am tired and worn out. Your sleep is starting to get better, but we still aren't quite there yet. This past week you have been going to bed around 8pm and staying asleep for anywhere between 6 and 8 hours. Then you wake up for a snack and sleep for a few more hours. This is definite progress, and I am looking forward to even more progress in the weeks to come (hint hint).

I feel like every day you are doing something new and you are growing and changing right before my eyes. I am so excited to see what the coming months will bring. Every day with you is an adventure.
1 month | 2 months | 3 months | 4 months | 5 months | 6 months
soooooooo cute!
ReplyDeletehey it worked this time. Since I changed to that google beta blogger thing I have been having trouble posting comments.
ReplyDeleteMax is becoming quite the big man ! I love your updates and wish I had been doing the same. Two months have already flown by and what a cool way to remember little details.
Hopefully we can hook up when you come out to BC in a few weeks. We are going to be in Seattle Dec 23-25 I believe.
Tina - it's not too late to start! I say go for it. I love looking back through the months. I swear I would not believe he was ever that small if I didn't have the pics to prove it ;-)
ReplyDeleteWow - I went back to the one month post to see how far Maxie has come.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweetheart. Sorry I couldn't come out to see you guys. Maybe in March.