Friday, March 31, 2006

36 weeks: I don't think you're ready for this belly.

We're in the home stretch people!
I have received a few requests for an updated belly shot, so here you go - this picture was taken just moments ago. Scott is out doing Raptor things tonight so I had to take the picture myself (check out my sexy sweat socks). My belly is as hard as a rock (it feels like an inflated basketball) and the little guy is running out of room. These days he mostly just rolls back and forth and gets the hiccups. When I wake up in the morning he tends to be mostly on one side, so my belly is all lopsided - quite a sight!

I took today off work so I could rest and get my hair did. I figured that I might scare my baby if he came out and saw my horrible roots and straggly hair. Now I am back to bonafide blonde and the length is more manageable. So, if he is a blonde haired baby, at least he'll know who is mama is. I meant to just sit on my butt today, that didn't happen (though I had 2 naps). The urge to nest is creeping up on me so I had the kitchen clean, laundry done and house organized by 11am. I'm hoping this is a good sign that the little guy is going to come sooner rather than later. The nursery is almost done (just waiting on the bedding and window treatment which should arrive sometime next week) and the baby clothes are washed. We'll get the carseat installed next week sometime and then we wait.

PS: I got a really great message today on my voicemail that went something like this..."Hi Katrina, you must be HUGE by now. Give me a call."

Hey - fuck you! Seriously, go fuck yourself! And that isn't the hormones talking either. I still mean it. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Yooooooooooooooooooou.

26 Weeks | 21 Weeks | Baby Makes 3


  1. Anonymous6:42 p.m.

    Great camera.

  2. loving the hair = fabulous!
    loving the belly = rocking!

  3. Katress, you look ab fab. Do yo thing, mama, do yo thing!

  4. You look AMAZING. The hair is fantastic and the belly is gorgeous. Plus your butt looks great!

  5. You rock, mama! Your belly is blooming and you look stunning! Hope you aren't too uncomfortable and are enjoying your full mama beauty :)

  6. Anonymous1:16 a.m.

    Yup, you're still super hot! You go girl!
    Too bad we couldn't meet up when I was in town a couple weeks ago ...
    it was a bit of a crazy rush for me, and I'm sure you had your hands full as well ;)
    Big hugs from Montreal!

  7. Awh ladies, you are too kind. Thanks for the words of support!

  8. I think you look lovely! Sport that pregnant belly proudly, girl! :)

  9. Anonymous3:18 p.m.

    That is such a fun looking shot. "Hello. And here is my belly!" [click]

    I like. It's almost dramatic.

    Sooooo excited. And you look great, btw. :) (not to just reiterate the past bajillion comments.)


  10. Lol. Soli was giving me a hard time for not using the timer on the camera. But I like that the camera is in the pic...glad you like it too!

  11. Anonymous9:31 p.m.

    You do look wonderful! I found your blog via babies in blogland.

    A friend of mine brought me dinner tonight and said, "Oh my God! You're HUGE!! I didn't think you could possibly GET any bigger!"


  12. Today was my daughter's first birthday and I can't tell you how many people over the last week have said to me, "Remember this time last year? You were MASSIVE." Gee...thanks...ASSHOLES!

  13. Anonymous3:40 a.m.

    ok, i'm a little late here, but you look fantastic! i'm sure you still do. You definitely want baby to be fully baked, and I'm sending all of my happy end of pregnancy and labor/delivery thoughts your way!
