Wednesday, March 09, 2011

p90x: week 11 day 1

Three more weeks of P90X to go! I'd be a liar if I said at this point I'm still jumping up and down every day to workout because 13 weeks is a bit of a haul.  But I'm too damn stubborn to stop this far in and I'm having some good results.  I just ordered the Insanity workout which I plan to start in mid April.  I'll post before and after pics from day 1 to day 90 when I wrap this up at the end of the month.


  1. Anonymous8:58 p.m.

    Wow, you look great!

  2. cute booty, baby!

  3. Heather (ecotwin1)9:08 p.m.

    Woo look awesome!! Congrats on sticking with it...I know how hard it is somedays! Insanity, here we come :)

  4. You look fantastic ! I am so proud of you that you have stuck with it !

  5. Awesome! I admire your dedication - you totally rock.

  6. WAY TO GO! I have GOT to do something. I normally get out and walk but the weather has been absolutely horrid in Nashville. Last spring I did the 30 Day Shred. So far I'm sloooowly gaining back my holiday weight I'd lost due to all the rain and me sitting on my butt.

    You go girl!

  7. Looking great, sis! Keep up the good work.
