Thursday, February 12, 2009

Vote For Me & Send Me To BlogHer in Chicago!

Good news! I made the Top 10 for the Mabel's Labels BlogHer '09 Contest with my "Rewards & Benefits of Blogging" post.

Now it's time to get the vote out. Please, please, please, puh-leeeez, go and vote for "Katrina @ Fickle Feline 2.0". I really want to go to BlogHer '09 in Chicago and with Max's therapy bills piling up (+$30,000 per year), this really is the only way I'll get to go.

If you so desire, you might even ask your friends to go and vote for me. You might even post about the contest on your blog and ask your readers to vote for me. Ahem. And, just so you know, if you do write about this on your blog, I will write a blog about your wonderful site in return. And if I win, I'll bring you back some of Chicago's famous Garret popcorn. I will. Promise.


  1. Yay! Maybe when you're there, you'll meet Abe Frohman.The sausage king of Chicago.

  2. Anonymous10:44 p.m.

    Congratulations on being in the top 10 and I hope that each of us finds a way to get to BlogHer! I found your post before the finalists were announced and I thought you were giving me some fierce competition! Good luck!

  3. Anonymous12:28 a.m.


  4. Anonymous8:25 a.m.

    I voted for you :) I truly hope you win! You definitely deserve it. What a GREAT contest!

