Friday, May 08, 2009

Pick Up a Telephone, Make the Best of Flesh & Bone.

I feel like I've earned this weekend. Getting up at 5:30am every morning makes for a long day. I've been trying to go to bed early, trying to blog every day, trying to make sure everything is set up for morning so we can get out the door without too much stress. Trying to keep the days straight, trying to settle in at work, trying to be an attentive wife... a good mom. It seems there aren't enough hours in the day. Not enough minutes in an hour…enough seconds…you get the picture.

I'm praying things settle down, that this new Monday to Friday schedule doesn't break me. Max has really be struggling with the changes to his routine, so his sleep has been all over the place and he has been throwing some huge tantrums to let us know he is stressed out. On the flip side, Cameron's full days at daycare seem to be tiring her out and she slept through the night for the first time last night. I have probably gone and jinxed it now, but you have to thank the Goddess of Sleep when she blesses you with a few hours of uninterrupted zzzzz's. I'm used to breastfeeding her in the middle of the night, so I woke up feeling completely swollen and tempted to wake Cameron up so I could feed her. If she keeps up with sleeping through the night, it will take about a week for my body to catch on and reduce my milk supply.

I am not only physically exhausted, but emotionally wiped out as well. On top of working full days, I have continued advocating for Max, which feels like a full time job all on its own. Lunch hours have been filled with speaking with Dr. Janis Williams at ErinOak about their assessment process, following up with my MPP Kevin Flynn about the IBI waitlist and letting him know that nothing has changed - that something HAS to change, and we need his help desperately. Add to that conversations with Janice Rotsma at Halton Support Services about camp funding for Max, and challenging them on their decision to not fund camps that are run by professionals or have any therapeutic components. Given that Halton Support Services is supposed to be in place to support people with developmental delays, this is absolutely mind numbing to me. Max could never go to a regular "Y" camp, or municipal camp (unless I paid an IBI therapist $40 an hour to attend with him). He can't be left with some untrained 16 year old. The very nature of his developmental delay means that he can only be trusted with professionals who know how to handle his behaviour, so any camp he attends will have to have some component of therapy. I'm pushing them to change this policy, but we'll see what happens.

I need to remember to take it a day at a time, and that good things are coming.


  1. Just wanted to report that Cam slept through the night again last night!!! Woot!!!

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