Friday, March 11, 2005

I have become a Poker widow.

To a certain extent, they are all dogs.
Scott's Burlington buddies recently started playing poker and he has been totally sucked in. It has become their Friday night ritual at either our buddy Dave's garage, or at Mike's kitchen table.

I am not going to lie - I don't understand it, I don't encourage it, in fact, I downright loathe it.

That is where he is tonight - at Mike's house. In fact, he's crashing there. He tells me that he needs to blow of steam, that he doesn't get to socialize with them that much, and that this is a great way to do it. But I think it is a shitty habit, kind of juvenile, and a sad attempt to hold onto "the good old days". I suppose it is cheaper than going to the bar, but something about it bothers me. I'm not sure if it is because I am being deserted pretty much every Friday night, or that it is gambling, or that women clearly aren't welcome, or a combination of all of them. I just hope that he understands that once we have kids, it will not be cool for him to go fuck off every Friday night to go gamble with his friends in some hotbox of a garage inhaling second hand smoke and pretending like they are big time. So, enjoy it now, I guess. If you're looking for me, I'm in the basement playing Barbies with Jennifer.

Yes, I am bitter.


  1. In a GARAGE? Brrrrrr...

    You should call me on Friday nights, I am freakishly obsessed with spending them by myself. Scott goes out and I get to watch What Not to Wear, read books, listen to records, and take baths. I'm a rock-widow, and it has some definite bonuses. Though, maybe poker is different.


  2. Well, it isn't like I could go out, even if I wanted to as we are a one car family in the 'burbs.

  3. is it 'cause he's clearly having funfunfunfun without you while you stay at home and stew on a friday?

    and if it's hismoney, let him do whatever he wants with it. if it's loot from the joint savings account, then he needs a shot in the ass.

    let him do his thing--you wouldn't be so upset if he was out with his buddies knitting on fridays, would you? LOL

    do your OWN thing on fridays. pamper yourself. or, do that one thing that he hates that you do, and revel in it all friday night long 'cause he's not in the house to bitch and moan about it.

    it could be so much worse, kat.

  4. I think I'll get a copy of that "Dogs Playing Poker" painting and put it up in my living room. It'll go great with my wagonwheel coffee table and my full size hammerhead shark.
