a) stunning eyes
b) impish grin and imperfect teeth
c) accent (damn!)
See, I have always been a sucker for a man with an accent. At one of my last jobs, the account rep at our ad agency was from England, and I would call him when I was in a bad mood because listening to his voice would just make me smile. If he wasn't there, I would call and listen to his voice mail. Stop calling me a stalker. I'd say it's more a fetish, really. Anyway, back to Jude Law. This guy is so big, he doesn't even have his own official website. That's big my friends - he doesn't need one. That's like, Julia Roberts big. Scott just looked over at me photoshopping his picture and said "his hair is all fucked up and I heard he likes to torture kittens". See, that's not nice Scott. You should be nicer to Jude, he's never done anything to you. Also, his hairline is receding a teensy bit, so we'll cut him some slack in the hair department. Plus, when it's all fucked up like that, you kind of imagine that he just rolled out of bed (your bed!) and that's a pretty nice thought to have. Jude Law has earned his place on the laminated card ladies. That's big time. And with how crappy and stressy the holidays can be, it's important to focus on sexy beasts like Jude Law. Where is the mistle toe when I need it?
Apparently nobody shares my love of Jude Law. Except Raye. She understands, she just doesn't comment...gotta work on that.
ReplyDeleteHey I love Jude too. But then again, I like pretty girls of all varieties, so that's not surprising.
Lol. Are you saying Jude Law looks like a girl? That's okay...Scott looked at the Kalen Porter cd and said "hey, that's a cute chick". HAH!
ReplyDeleteA laminated card is for celebraties you fancy, the hypothetical rule being that if they magically appeared at your door, you would be allowed to run off with them for a night of passion. Thing is, this rule exists only because you know full well none of these celebraties will ever appear at your door, so it is more a joke than anything else.