Sunday, January 02, 2005

2004:Year in Review.

Our engagement photoAfter a very sober new year's eve (I made Scott a deal where if he went out and got me Thai food for dinner I would be the designated driver) I was very pleased to wake up sans hangover on the 1st. Funny, that non-hangover feeling - it is so much better than that "I need to lay on the couch all day and watch golf" feeling. We went to Jeff and Korrie's house and hung out with Dave and Jen, Fatz and Matt, Mike and Melissa, and Matt the hottie Fireman. As it appears that many of my blogging friends have done 2004 recaps, I must jump on the bandwagon as well.

2004 - The good things:

Scott and I got married and it was beautiful
Just 2 months short of our 6th anniversary we tied the knot in front of friends and family. It was an amazing day and I am glad we stuck to our plans and our guns - we had a lot of fun. We learned a lot about who our friends are, and who love us and how blessed we are.
Me and my Maid-of-Honour Jennifer

Scott and I went to Jamaica
Our first trip together to somewhere sunny and sandy. Cut short by Hurricane Ivan, but we got home safe, so it's all good! We are hoping to celebrate our anniversary with another trip this year.

I got to go to BC and my mom came here twice (3 visits in 2004!)
With the bridal shower and the wedding, my mom was able to come out to Onterrible two times, Ian came once, and I got to go out west for a week as well. That is better than most years for sure!

I stopped speaking to someone who causes me nothing but pain
I finally broke free from a person that has been really shitty to me for a long time and it feels good, in fact, it feels better every day. I have to support of my friends, and also the family members that I care most about. To those who don't understand, that is their problem - not mine.

I got a new and better job
One of the best Christmas presents for us was me getting a new job in December (who knew it could be done). So far so good - the people are a lot smarter, more professional and creative than the last place I worked at. It's nice to look forward to where I'm going every morning.

We got a new (to us) car
After the devil car (see bad things list) died and left us stranded in New York State, we bought a 2001 Toyota Camry and it is a wonderful wonderful car. I love it for all of its plain-unfanciness and safe-smooth riden' ways. I will never, ever, if my life depends in (couldn't get me to take one for free) by an American car again. Japanese for life.

2004 - The bad things:

Our furnace died
We were hoping to make it through last winter without replacing the furnace, but no, the creaky old thing conked out at the end of February (meaning we got none of the benefit of replacing it that year as spring was almost upon us). We learned the value of getting 3 quotes and now know more about furnaces than we ever need to. Owning a home can be very rewarding, but also very stressful at times.

Our car died
Our '98 Intrigue bit the big one in Tonawanda. And no, contrary to popular belief, it was NOT BECAUSE WE DIDN'T CHANGE THE OIL!!! Do we look stupid? It died because it was a lemon, a big honky piece of shit American car. Turned out okay as we got a much better car (see list of good things).

I lost my job
Turned out to be a good thing (see "I got a new and better job") but it totally sucked because I got laid off two weeks after our honeymoon by a backstabbing bitch who thinks she is the queen of marketing but who's skills are so out-dated she couldn't run a successful campaign to save her backwoods ass if her hick life depended on it. But I believe in karma, boy do I ever.

I have been very inconsistent with exercising
My self-esteem is very much tied up in my weight and I have been very inconsistent with working out. This is bad because exercising is good and I need to do it more as it makes me feel better in so many ways.

I only visited Jennifer in Ottawa once.
I went to Ottawa in the spring to visit Jennifer and help her pick her maid of honour dress. I intended to visit Jennifer this summer before the wedding, but I was so stressed out I didn't make it. I had a trip planned for November but our piece of shit car died and we were in the process of buying a new one so we didn't make it. Jennifer came to Toronto about a million times, so I feel very badly about this.

And what will 2005 bring? Hopefully more good than bad. There is always some bad, or else you wouldn't appreciate the good, right? I don't want to make any predictions or goals except to say that I would like to clear the clutter out of my life - that includes emotional clutter, material clutter, and just all encompassing CLUTTER. Be gone.


  1. Yep, that's the engagement picture - we actually took that just a few weeks before the wedding - we had guests sign the mat around the picture instead of a guest book - looks really nice! It is hanging in our dining room.

    Thanks for the well wishes - I know 2005 will be a great year for you!

  2. Yep, there are only so many good pics of me...gotta spread them around!

    Happy New Year GJ :-)
