Today was a full day. I often think those are the best kind (as my friend Jennifer says "the secret to life is keeping busy").
We decked the kids out in orange and black for school and daycare (I think that was a theme or something today?). Max was non-plussed, Cameron was pleased with her black pants with silver stars on them (and who can blame her? We should all have black pants with silver stars on them).
I spent the day in Toronto at the Blissdom Canada conference. I didn't have specific expectations for this conference, only the hope that it would be less overwhelming than BlogHer and that it would get my creative juices flowing again. It certainly made good on both of those wishes.
The highlight came early, and that was the musical guest, Tanya Davis. You may already be familiar with her work (her youtube video "How To Be Alone" is almost at 2 million views). She performed a few songs from her soon to be released album "Clocks And Hearts Keep Going". Tanya is quirky and funny and eloquent - the kind of person I look at and think "I wish I could express myself like she does". I also had the pleasure of eating lunch with her. She asked me if I was a Leo. I have no idea why.
These conferences are alway a trip for me. Incredible writers, funny and smart women, people who get me, who don't tilt their head quizzically when I say I have a blog. They are my people and even if I walk into a room of folks I don't know, I am at home. The most important lesson from today was not a new one, but an excellent reminder. Be awesome. Create awesome and compelling content. Stand behind it. Don't settle for anything less. And to quote one of my favourite bloggers, you don't need to write your blog trying to figure out what the twist to your story is. You are the twist, and that is enough.
I love the post and the pic.
Great pick. You look fantastic Kat.
I will have to check out Blissdom for next year! I agree - great photo and great post.